Details for the 36th annual Hermann Wurstfest
Welcome to the 36th annual Hermann Wurstfest sponsored by the Hermann Chamber of Commerce! Held each year the fourth weekend of March, Wurstfest has become one of Hermann’s best-loved festivals, as well as a prestigious showcase for sausage makers from around the state.
Saturday, March 19
Gourmet Sausage for Sampling & Purchase
9:00 to 5:00 • Stone Hill Winery Sherry House and Hermannhof Hofgarten
$8 admission fee (12 and older)
Wurst Competition & Display
10:00 to 5:00 • Hermann Mill
German Music
Noon to 4:00
Marilyn Loehnig at Stone Hill Winery
Ginny Hall & Glenda Townsend at the Hofgarten
Wurstjaeger Dancers
1:00 • Stone Hill Winery
Sausage-Making Demonstrations
Stone Hill Winery and Hofgarten
Bratwurst Sandwiches mit Kraut & More
Stone Hill Winery & Hermann Mill
Information from: http://visithermann.com/festivals/hermann-wurstfest/#sthash.YIK5Zzlz.dpuf